Fan Expo 2019 by Alan Tijerina Photography
Spiderham by J Gunn Photography @ Anime Dallas
What started as a love for stage crafts and haunted houses as early as 2003 turned full blown passion for Costuming, SFX makeup and prop building. Being of a larger scale BFG devoted himself to builds that not only included body diversity but could be made within reasonable budgets to look designed at an expert level. BFG often designs more obscure than mainstream characters from pop culture, horror franchises, comic books, video games and more!
Traveling with my friends in cosplay!!
Having a background in haunted houses and theater production allowed BFG to sharply develop skills to grow greater and finer builds and designs with each new project.
Since 2018, BFG has appeared at multiple conventions or worked in production to influence, market and ensure patrons have the best possible time at conventions/events.
Contact BFG for more info.